
The purpose of the VA Democratic Women’s Caucus is to unite the women of Virginia in support of the women of the Democratic Party and its candidates, encourage full and equal participation of women in the Party, encourage, educate, and finance Democratic women who aspire to public office, and raise awareness of women’s issues in the Commonwealth and the Virginia Democratic Party.


In support of our purpose, we:

  • Officially endorse and raise funds for women candidates in general elections (not primaries)

  • Maintain a network of caucus representatives in each district across the Commonwealth who can support and mentor new women party members and women considering public office

  • Conduct voter outreach and voter protection on behalf of women candidates

  • Use meetings, web pages and other media of publicity and communication so as to increase knowledge of all matters pertaining to the Caucus and encourage cooperation among Democratic Women

  • Provide resources and information to women of all ages who are considering joining the party or running for public office

To read our full bylaws, please use the link below